Monday, November 12, 2012

This, That and the Other Thing

Over at, Jed gives Noir at the Bar Corydon some insight. While the guys over at Booked podcasting give the recorded readings, they've been broken down, being in three separate parts. Makes for easier listening. All and all it turned out to be a great evening. Got to catch up with long time friend, Jed Ayres only Scott Phillips was MIA. These two cowboys, along with Anthony Neil Smith gave me my first shot at offering my prose to the public. What an unmerciful hell that was. Driving four hours to St. Louis, I hate cities by the way, I'm a small town-rural boy all the way, finding the venue. Sucking down two Americanos and then standing in front of people I've never met. Couldn't hold the sheets of paper my story was written on with one hand, had to two hand it, my nerves mixed with the caffeine gave me more than quivers and shakes. But I did it and made the trek once more last year just before the release of Crimes in Southern Indiana. What a night that was. Words of wisdom, some friends are drunks and some are alcoholics. The difference, a drunk can drink a few beers, be shitfaced and out of hand, an alcoholic can go all night and never slur a word. That's all I'm saying.

And here's all I'll say about this, when I wrote the non-fiction piece for Granta, it was just that, Non-Fiction. Me and an officer of the law, who happens to be a part of a gang task force division in and around southern Indiana. Meaning I interviewed him over the course of weeks, had conversations with him and wrote down his opinions along with newspaper articles we'd discussed. And htere was the refrence to shoes on a powerline and I went with what the police officer told me, however it can hold several meanings, read here:
Somehow people overlook the point that this was a man speaking through me. Not to mention the area I was writing about was going through a major downturn, a rebuilding phase because the area was rundown. Basically landlords didn't want possible renters googling their rental areas and coming across my article. Of course no one living around that area wanted it either. But there will always be someone who takes things out of context to create their own agenda.

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